02 Ocak ’14 – MINIPassion & GPuk-Ownersclub Bulusmasi


Uzun zamandir, baglantida oldugumuz Gpuk-ownersclub ile MINIPassion bulusmasi 02.Ocak ’14 Tarihinde Iskocya Falkirk sehirinde olmustur.

MINIPassion MINI Car Club Turkiye olarak yapmis oldugumuz organizasyonlarimizin fotograflarindan “Not Notmal On Cam Stickerlarimiz” goren Davy’nin bizlere ulasmasiyla basliyan diyalogumuz, moderatorlerimizden Kaan Cetingoz beyin Iskocyaya olan ziyareti sirasinda kendisine yapiskanlarimizi taktim etmesiyle son bulmustur.

Davy bey http://gpuk-ownersclub.com/ kulubunun Admini ve yurt disi GP sahibileri sorumlusudur ve kulubumuzunde yeni uyesidir.
Bulusmadan bazi fotograflar soyle;



As MINIPassion MINI Car Club Turkey, we been in contact with GPuk-ownersclub for a long time and the meeting between MINIPassion and GPuk owners was held on 02 Jan. ’14 in Scotland Falkirk.

I posted some pictures of MINIPassion MINI Car Club Turkey’s events on Gpuk owners club and with the enthusiasm of Davy’s on our MINIPassion wind shield stickers we managed to sent the stickers with our moderator Mr.Cetingoz who was lucky in Scotland for NYE.

Davy is one of the administrators on http://gpuk-ownersclub.com/ and a new member of MINIPassion as EcosseGP.

Here are some pictures from the meeting.