23 Nisan ’14 MINIPassion Kutuphanesi


MINIPassionMINI Car Club Turkiye olarak sayisiz eglenceli ve keyifli organizasyona imza attiktan sonra gectigimiz 23 Nisan’da bu sefer yine cok eglenceli ama daha da onemlisi anlamli bir organizasyona imza attik.


Beylice ilkokulu’na bir kutuphane kazandirma amaciyla ciktigimiz yola 23 nisan gunu MINIPassion Kutuphanesinin acilis yaptik. 11 MINI ve 27 kisiyle Istanbul’dan yola ciktigimiz Beylice koyunde 23 nisan toreni ile karsilandik. Ogretmenler, veliler ve en degerlisi ilkokul ve ortaokul ogrencilerinin bizleri bekledigi Beylice koyunde, ogrencilerin birbirinden keyifli gosterilerini izledik. Gosterilerin ardindan ogrencilerin MINI araclarina ilgisi buyuktu. Hepsi tek tek araclarimizi inceledi. Ardindan ogrencilere goturdugumuz oyuncaklar ve Kosifler Otomotiv MINI Kalamis tarafindan alinan cikolatalar dagitildi. Cocuklar icin organizasyonun en keyifli ani buydu.

Toren, hediyelerin dagitimi ve en onemliside bol bol fotograf cekiminin ardindan okulumuzun kutuphanesini ziyaret edildi.  Burada projemize sponsor olan Pars Gumrukleme , Orhan Sahin Bey ve Eren Raf , Ozgur Eren Bey’e MINIPassion Kutuphanesinin kurulmasinda olan buyuk cabalarindan oturu plaketleri sunuldu. Bizlere kutuphanenin kurulmasinda yardimci olan fakat o gun acilisinda bizlere katilamayan Merve Yayin Evi adina Mustafa Dagli uyemiz ve Carrefour İçerenköy icin hazirlanmis plaketlerimiz adreslerine postalandi.

Bu mukemmel gune katilan ve gerceklesiminde yardimci olan butun MINIPassion ailesine sonsuz tesekkurler…


Bu guzel gunden bazi kareler soyle



As MINIPassion- MINI Car Club Turkey, we successfully formed a library to Belice Elementary School.  The school was in need of a library and a reading room. From top to bottom the room was painted and re decorated by MINIPassion members and named as MINIPassion Reading Room.

The Belice School need was found out by one of our members Orhan Sahin, who by the way organized all the project by himself. On the other hand Mr. Ozgur Eren, whom to be one of our moderators, sponsored the Metal Shelves, Mr. Mustafa Dagli the owner of Merve Yayin Evi and one of our loyal member, sponsored %50 of the books for the library, Carrefour SA Icerenkoy also sponsored nearly the other half of the book need.

With the help of our members we dedicate this MINIPassion Library on a very meaningful day which is 23 April International Children’s Day.

With more than 11 MINI’s and 50 members we delivered over 500 books 200 MINI toys for the boys and 200 baby dolls for the girls. Beside all those toys we were happy to offer them chocolates and cakes.

Here are some pictures from that meaningful day;



Dogan Haber Ajansi

Haber Hendek