MINIPassion Chippy World Wide Racing Karsilamasi Ile MINI Space’de


24-26 Aralik 14′ da Turkiyeyi ziyarette bulunan Chippy World Wide Racing yapmis olduklari mukkemmel tur ile MINISpace‘e haber oldu.

Turkiye’de kendilerini “24 Aralik 14′ – MINIPassion Chippy Worldwide Racing Team” ve “26 Aralik 14′- MINIPassion Sene Sonu Yemek ve Partisi” de agirladigimiz ekibin resimlerinde MINIPassion Not Normal On Cam Stickeri ve MINI Space makalede ise MINIPassion Club Turkiye olarak yer almis bulunmaktayiz.

Makaleden goruntuler soyledir;



Chippy World Wide Racing team whom MINIPassion-MINI Car Club Turkey had the honor to meet at 24-26 December 2014 made it to MINISpace with their awesome tour.

MINIPassion welcomed the awesome Chippy and 2 beautiful drivers at “24 December 2014-MINIPassion Meets Chippy” and had the photoshoot for the article in Top Gear Turkey followed by the 26 December 2014- New Years Eve Party.

To have more pictures of awesome Chippy “with MINIPassion Wind Shield Sticker” and its brave and beautiful drivers go to MINISpace and read the “NON-STOP FRONTIER RUNNER: CONTINENT CRUISING WITH CHIPPY THE MINI CABRIO”  article.


Here are some pictures from that stunning article;