MINIPassion – MINI Car Club Turkiye olarak gecen sene 1. MINI Balkan Bulusmasi‘na katilan kulubumuz bu sene de MINI Turkiye’yi 20 araclik bir konvoy ile temsil eti. 25-29 Ekim arasinda Yunanistan’in Serres sehirinde olan bulusmayi organize eden MININorth.gr ekibi topalmda 60 araci bulan ve aralarinda Bulgaristan Sirbistan ve en cok katilimi gosteren Turkiye MINI severlerine ev sahipligi yapti.
Cumhuriyetin 91. yilini Ataturkumuzun Selanik’deki evinde kutlamayi da unutmayan MINIPassion uyelerinin gecirmis oldugu 4 gunluk maceradan bazi kareler soyle;
Organizasyonumuz hakkinda daha fazla bilgi almak ve resimler icin www.MINIPassion.net/forum
MINIPassion MINI Car Club Turkey represented MINI Turkey at 2. MINI Balkan Meeting, with over 20 cars just like the last year. The event hosted by MININorth.gr took place during 25th-29 th of November in Greece Serres with the participation of MINI Bulgaria, MINI Serbia, MINI Greece and with MINIPassion MINI Car Club Turkey with over 60 MINIs.
Here are some pictures from this awesome event, if you are seeking for more pictures please sign in at www.MINIPassion.net/forum