20 Kasim 2016 tarihinde “Avcilar Borusan Oto” da gerceklestirmis oldugumuz ve MINIPassion MINI Car Club Turkiye uyelerimizin muazzam katilimi ile gerceklesen 2017 MINIPassion Takvim fotograflarimiz, Alp Emre Goksel Bey tarafindan yayinlanmis bulunmaktadir.
Takvime cikicak olan araclar gecen senede oldugu gibi MINIPassion.net Instagram hesabimizdan begeniye sunulucak olup, en cok begeni toplayan 24 arac, 2017 senesinin masa takvimini susleyecektir. Bu muhtesem organizasyonumuzdan bazi kareler soyle.
MINIPassion MINI Car Club Turkey had an awesome gathering for the 2017 MINIPassion Calendar Photoshoot at 20 November 2016 in Borusan Oto Avcilar which is the BMW, MINI Distributor in Turkey. Mr. Alp Emre Goksel who was behind those stunning shots published the pictures just yesterday.
The whole 50 shots will be published as a Callander Nominee at MINIPassions Instagram page and the ones that gets the most like will be on MINIPassion 2017 desktop Callendar. Here are some pictures of that awesome view.